Our team “Vielfalt entscheidet – Diversity in Leadership” is currently working with and for the Thuringian state administration to develop Germany's first survey of anti-discrimination and equality data, in which around 20,000 employees can participate. The results of “Vielfalt entscheidet Thüringen” will form the basis for a diversity strategy of the Thuringian state administration.
It is the first time in Germany that such a large number of employees - both managers and employees of the upper, middle and lower administrations as well as selected institutions - are given the opportunity to share their differentiated perspectives on and experiences with diversity and discrimination.
Based on our pilot survey of managers in the Berlin administration, this survey covers all dimensions of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) in a differentiated way and considers racial discrimination beyond migration background. In addition to the AGG dimensions, the respondents have the opportunity to express their experiences regarding East German / GDR socialisation, (severe) disability, social origins, weight discrimination and the working climate. The survey instrument tested in Berlin, which was developed with the involvement of various communities and researchers, is thus further differentiated and captures the aspects of diversity, discrimination and the institutionalisation of equality practices.