featured image Vielfalt Entscheidet
People of Color*1People of Color (PoC) is a self-identifier for people who are affected by racism and Black people are underrepresented in leadership positions. To accelerate equitable change, we conduct research on diversity in organizations and collect data that help them to diversify, uncover discrimination, and become more inclusive. We develop strategies, demands and concepts for the development of inclusive administrations, organizations and companies. Aided by our network of community organisations as well as legal, policy and technology experts, our team conducts research to identify hurdles and evaluate policies and activities designed to enhance and deepen inclusion. We actively share the results with politicians and decision-makers. With keynote speeches, expert lectures and workshops, but also through the implementation of comprehensive diversity-oriented organizational development processes, we support private and public institutions in their efforts to become more inclusive.
"Too often, “inclusion” and “participation” are implemented at a shallow level – like couscous being added to the cafeteria menu. The perspective of our project is different. It's about equality and representation”, emphasizes Daniel Gyamerah, Head of Division for Vielfalt entscheidet - Diversity in Leadership (VE for short). On 28.02.2018, the six-member VE team presented their study of diversity in the Berlin government administration and in national companies. This pilot study*2Cooperation partners for the pilot study included the Berliner Institute for empirical integration and migration research (BIM) of Humboldt University, who advised us on empirical research. The study was conducted with support from the Integration representative of the City of Berlin and the Berlin State Office for Equal Treatment and against Discrimination (LADS). was the first survey of anti-discrimination and equality data in Germany that covers all dimensions of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) in a differentiated way and considers racial discrimination beyond migration background. The VE team has developed and keeps refining a survey tool that highlights discrimination experiences and contributes to the development of more inclusive institutions, policies and legislation. Adapted surveys have already been conducted by VE in the field of grants in the cultural and higher education sectors.
Surveys in film, community and politics
Since our pilot survey of anti-discrimination and equality data (ADGD) in 2018 using the example of the Berlin administration, nationwide interest in the topic and in equality data has grown. This year and next year we will significantly expand the collection of anti-discrimination and equality data, e.g. in the film industry, politics and public administration. Hopefully, this will also include the continuation of the survey in the Thuringian state administration - VET.
In cooperation with a dozen civil society organizations from the film industry, we are initiating "Vielfalt im Film", the first survey on diversity and discrimination among 30,000 filmmakers in Germany, with professions in front of and behind the camera.
Together with Each One Teach One e.V., we are also launching #AFROZENSUS, the first survey within a community supported by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (ADS). Over one million people of African descent live in Germany. The aim of #AFROZENSUS is to obtain as comprehensive picture as possible of how they assess their life in Germany and what expectations they have of society and politics. The results will be made available to the community and politics.
"Through data collection, it can be shown to what extent individual instances of discrimination are experienced repeatedly and can therefore be an indicator/outcome/expression of structural disadvantages", explains Lucienne Wagner, researcher at VE. It requires data showing the discrimination of certain groups of the population in order to, for example, address the structural barriers for people affected by racial discrimination. Anti-discrimination and gender equality data are therefore an important basis for laws positive measures designed to reduce discrimination against these communities in order to ensure full and effective equal opportunities. That is the basis for our demand: "The introduction of differentiated anti-discrimination and equality monitoring*3 Gender Equality Monitoring: For Frequently Asked Questions on Anti-discrimination and Gender Equality Data we recommend our publication "Who is not counted does not count". and its anchoring in law".
Inspired by the Canadian project DiverseCity onBoard, Citizens For Europe launched VE in 2014. Over two years, projects from seven European countries exchanged views within the framework of a European Learning Partnership. In 2016, VE wrote an expertise on options for the diversity-sensitive development of the Berlin art and culture sector, key recommendations of which were included in the Berlin government coalition agreement (p. 125). In 2017, we implemented a study among executives in the Berlin public administration. With this know-how, we now advise and support policy-makers, administrations, universities, civil society organizations and companies as a think-and-do-tank. Our analysis, workshops, expert lectures and diversity-oriented support for organizations*4Diversity-oriented organizational development: http://raa-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/DO-GRUNDSAETZE-RAA-BERLIN.pdf are aimed at actors who want to promote diversity and inclusion and reduce discrimination.
For further information please visit our website https://vielfaltentscheidet.de/ or contact us at vielfalt@citizensforeurope.org